Our aim is to make legal services more accessible. Your location, financial circumstances and knowledge of the law shouldn’t be barriers to your being able to enjoy your life and operate your business with a high level of legal protection. Agreements.Org provides legal document templates, with or without a legal review, as well as legal services to individuals and businesses who are looking for an alternative to using a traditional firm of Attorneys.
Why Choose Us?
Drawn and Reviewed by an Experienced, Qualified Senior Attorney
Every document is drawn by an experienced, qualified Senior Attorney and reviewed by another – just as in any law practice. We incorporate changes to the law quickly so that our documents are up to date. Our high quality agreements are drafted in South Africa, by South Africans, in terms of South African law.
Legal Practice Experience Added
As much as possible, our legal documents incorporate practical angles that only Attorneys with commercial and litigation experience can include. Our drafting team have many years’ experience both in practice, owning and managing businesses in a wide variety of industries and even lecturing at various higher institutions.

Agreement Categories
Click on a category to view a list of all the agreements we offer.
Document Download and Delivery
Immediately after payment, you can download your document from our website in Word format. Should you buy the document with a legal review, you will receive an email address that you can email the document to for review by one of our experienced Senior Panel Attorneys, once amended.

Easy to use, even if you have no legal knowledge
Many of our clients are practicing Attorneys, but our documents don’t require you to be one. You don’t have to be concerned about how to add legal wording. We also made it easy for you simply delete what you don’t need without affecting the rest of the document, because we do not cross reference our paragraphs.
Support from our Expert Panel of Attorneys
One of our experienced Senior Panel Attorneys is always on hand to help customise a document for any unusual circumstances, review any document you amended or assist with any questions or queries.
With Agreements.Org you can get your legal documents online, make any changes that you want, and have your legal documents ready to use in minutes.
Latest News

Judgement Date: 26 March 2020 Post Judgment Media Summary

Judgement Date: 24 March 2020 Post Judgment Media Summary

Judgement Date: 26 March 2020 Post Judgment Media Summary
Any Questions? Contact us and we will gladly answer.
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